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 In 2005, I thought that it was about time that we started the conversation: about who we are, and where we came from:

Time to differentiate ourselves from Emma Lazarus' "... huddled masses, longing to be free..." (of the 20th Century).

Recognizing that, more often than not, perception creates a reality of it's own. 


     Doshia Greene Bowling 



Amelia Evans Greene


Almeter Drakeford Harris


Ruth McCarley Harris and daughter Bobbi Harris Burkes 



Frank Harris Sr. 1954

Johnnie Harris Jr. 1953



  LJ Harris-1945

  Oscar Harris 1945


Lela-Mae Harris 52'


Walker Jones 1950 (est.)   




Sunman, Bigmama, & Johnnie Lee 1979 

Author Profile: 


 _ Graduate of the Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, 1983  


_Graduate of Central Connecticut State                            

 _ former bodybuilder au naturel.

_ insurance underwriter turned social historian.



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Cooperative Learning






Seeing the Big Picture
Intelligence is a by-product of "learned behavior".


 Life Management... some straight talk:

1. You have 12 years to learn the "basics": the rest of your life depends upon it.

2. Those with the "ability & willingness" go on to higher education (those without it go to work).

3. As a child, time is your ally:

"I won't grow-up, I don't want to go to school..."


Trust me, it won't be that way always.


4. Did you really believe that you knew all there was to know?


 Intelligence Quotient n: a number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person determined by dividing his mental age as reported on a standardize test by his chronological age and multiplied by 100 (Websters 1977).

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