Cooperative Learning

Seeing the Big Picture
Intelligence is a by-product of "learned behavior".
Life Management... some straight talk:
1. You have 12 years to learn the "basics": the rest of your life depends upon it.
2. Those with the "ability & willingness" go on to higher education (those without it go to work).
3. As a child, time is your ally:
"I won't grow-up, I don't want to go to school..."
Trust me, it won't be that way always.
4. Did you really believe that you knew all there was to know?
Intelligence Quotient n: a number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person determined by dividing his mental age as reported on a standardize test by his chronological age and multiplied by 100 (Websters 1977).

Examples of Standardize Tests include, but is not limited to the following:
- CTBS-Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills
- CAT-California Achievement Test
- ACT-American College Test
- PSAT/NMSQT-Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
- SAT-Scholastic Aptitude Test
Now re-read the definition of Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Remember a test becomes a standardized test when it is administered to all students, under the same conditions, and scored in the same manner for all students.
Performance matters.
When you come to grips with that reality is when the learning begins:
It doesn't matter whether you're in a classroom, boardroom, or squaring off in the center of the ring (recognizing, of course, that the ring is no place to go looking for a lesson).
When I speak of "task relevant maturity, vis a vi IQ", thats what I'm talking about; nothing more.
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