Connecting the Dots II

By the dawn of the 21st. Century, Brad had become "the Wizard".
In this photo, left, he's teaching CJ the drill.
To keep abreast of changes within the discipline, both boys attended a minimum of two camps annually: Brad studied strategy and tactics under Coach Gable at the Iowa Camps; technique at Clemson.
Richie & Brad_return from Iowa in 94
Clint is eight years younger than Brad, so he missed the "Iowa Years":
Whereas Brad knew the Brands brothers: to Clint they were "the legends."
Aside from training in Lockhaven, Clint frequented the Chertow Camps, the Citadel, N.C. State, and the Granby Camps in Virginia.
Training in Huntington, West Virginia 2002/Russian Arm-Tie
Irrespective of sporting discipline, the fundamentals are the same;
and Commitment.
Graduation: Univ. of Florida 2004
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